Sunday, June 26, 2011


Dimana tempat adanya kuasa
Disitu juga adanya angkara
Dimana ada namanya manusia
Disitu juga adanya punca propaganda hipokrasi
Yang rendah ingin menjadi tinggi
Dan yang tinggi ingin mendominasi
Yang lemah ingin menjadi gagah

Dan yang gagah ingin terus

berada di atas

Di dalam hiruk piruk kota
Dalam mengejar cita-cita
Dimana ada kuasa dan takhta
Ramai yang telah menjadi mangsa
Bagaikan tiada penghujungnya
Bagaikan tiada titik nokhtah
Seakan sudah biasa
Entah bilakah akhirnya

Aku pernah berada di medan perang ciptaan saudara-saudaraku
Bila harga nyawa lebih murah daripada sebungkus keju
Peduli apa katamu , peduli apa kau mahu
Bila senjata ku hunus
Hanya ajal dan maut yang akan datang bertamu
Cuma hanya ini yang ku mahu

Bila kau menjadi kaku
Bila kau sudah layu
Bila kau tiada lagi bersenyawa
Aku sudah berada di atas takhta

Di dalam hiruk piruk Kota
Dalam mengejar cita-cita
Dimana ada kuasa dan takhta
Ramai yang telah menjadi mangsa
Bagaikan tiada penghujungnya
Bagaikan tiada titik nokhtah
Seakan sudah biasa
Entah bilakah akhirnya

Saudaraku yang yang berada disekelilingku
Saudara ku yang sanggup menempuh maut dengan ku
Saudaraku yang hidup mati bersama aku
Saudaraku yang telah gugur kerana aku

Kerana kuasa aku telah menjadi lupa
Kerana kuasa aku hampir binasa
Hampir ku hilang nyawa, hampir musnah semua
Ibarat mati hidup semula
Ku diberikan peluang untuk kali yang kedua

Supaya aku sedar
Supaya tak mudah lagi lupa
Supaya tak mudah megah
Dan di atas pasti ke bawah

Giliran dibawah berlumba-lumba bersedia menanti masanya
Untuk menimpa mengambil alih takhta
Tiada yang kekal lama semuanya hanya sementara
Kerana punca kerana angkara kerana kuasa dan takhta
Tiada yang lebih berkuasa selain dari yang berkuasa

Didalam hiruk piruk kota
Dalam mengejar cita-cita
Dimana ada kuasa dan takhta
Ramai yang telah menjadi mangsa
Bagaikan tiada penghujungnya
Bagaikan tiada titik nokhtah
Seakan sudah biasa
Entah bila akhirnya

p/s:minat gler lagu nie..tringin nk tgk KL gangster.. ble laa dpt tgk..:(

Thursday, March 17, 2011


  1. Untuk membentuk bibir yang menawan, ucapkan kata-kata kebaikan.
  2. Untuk mendapatkan mata yang indah, carilah kebaikan pada setiap orang yang anda jumpai.
  3. Untuk mendapatkan bentuk badan yang langsing, berbagilah makanan dengan mereka yang kelaparan.
  4. Untuk mendapatkan rambut yang indah, mintalah seorang anak kecil untuk menyisirnya dengan jemarinya setiap hari.
  5. Untuk mendapatkan sikap tubuh yang indah, berjalanlah dengan segala ilmu pengetahuan, dan anda tidak akan pernah berjalan sendirian. Manusia, jauh melebihi segala ciptaan lain, perlu senantiasa berubah, diperbaharui, dibentuk kembali, dan diampuni.
  6. Jadi, jangan pernah kecilkan seseorang dari hati anda apabila anda sudah melakukan semuanya itu, ingatlah senantiasa, jika suatu ketika anda memerlukan pertolongan, akan senantiasa ada tangan terulur.
  7. Dan dengan bertambahnya usia anda, anda akan semakin mensyukuri telah diberi dua tangan, satu untuk menolong diri anda sendiri, dan satu lagi untuk menolong orang lain.
  8. Kecantikan wanita bukan terletak pada pakaian yang dikenakannya, bukan pada bentuk tubuhnya, atau cara dia menyisir rambutnya.
  9. Kecantikan wanita terdapat pada matanya, cara dia memandang dunia. Kerana di matanyalah terletak gerbang menuju ke setiap hati manusia, di mana cinta dapat berkembang.
  10. Kecantikan wanita, bukan pada kehalusan wajahnya, tetapi kecantikan yang murni, terpancar pada jiwanya, yang dengan penuh kasih memberikan perhatian dan cinta yang dia berikan dan kecantikan itu akan tumbuh sepanjang waktu
P/S:amik dr

Friday, March 4, 2011

BACALAA...... :)

Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Cintailah siapa yang ada di bumi supaya kamu akan dicintai oleh makhluk yang berada di langit " (Riwayat Tabrani)

Cinta Menyintai Atas Keimanan dan Ketaqwaan

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:Kamu tidak akan beriman sehingga kamu berkasih sayang. Mereka berkata : "Kami semua pengasih" Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Sesungguhnya bukanlah mengasihi seorang sahabatnya sahaja, akan tetapi membawa rahmat kepada manusia, mengasihi semua manusia". (Riwayat Tabrani)

"Kata pujangga cinta letaknya di hati. Meskipun tersembunyi, namun getarannya nampak sekali. Ia mampu mempengaruhi fikiran sekali gus memberi kesan kepada tindakan. Sungguh, cinta dapat mengubah pahit menjadi manis, debu beralih emas, keruh menjadi bening, sakit menjadi sembuh, penjara menjadi telaga, derita menjadi nikmat, dan kemarahan menjadi rahmat. Cinta mampu melembutkan besi, menghancurkan batu karang, membangkitkan yang mati dan meniupkan kehidupan padanya serta membuat hamba menjadi pemimpin. Inilah dahsyatnya cinta!" (Jalaluddin Rumi).

Cinta Yang Terutama

Alangkah indahnya Islam! Di dalamnya ada syariat yang mengatur bagaimana seharusnya manusia mengelola perasaan cintanya, sehingga menghasilkan
cinta yang lebih dalam, lebih murni, dan lebih abadi.Islam mengajarkan bahawa seluruh kuasa cinta manusia harus dipupuk menuju pada Allah Yang Maha Pencipta, sehingga cinta kepada-Nya jauh melebihi cinta pada sesama makhluk. Justeru, cinta pada sesama makhluk dicurahkan semata-mata karena mencintai-Nya.

Asasnya adalah firman Allah SWT dalam surah al-Baqarah ayat 165, 'Dan di antara manusia ada orang-orang yang mengambil selain Allah untuk dicintainya; mereka mencintainya sebagaimana mereka mencintai Allah. Sedangkan orang-orang yang beriman amat dalam(taat) cintanya kepada Allah.'

Islam mengajar manusia tentang pengurusan cinta, iaitu bagaimana manusia seharusnya menyusun skala prioriti cintanya. Urutan tertinggi perasaan cinta adalah kepada Allah SWT, kemudian kepada Rasul-Nya . Cinta pada sesama makhluk diuruskan sesuai dengan firman-Nya iaitu kedua orang ibu-bapa, kaum kerabat , anak-anak yatim, orang-orang miskin, jiran tetangga yang dekat dan jiran tetangga yang jauh, rakan sekerja, ibnu sabil dan hamba sahaya. Sedangkan harta, tempat tinggal, dan kekuasaan juga mendapat posisi untuk dicintai pada tempat yang lebih rendah . Maha Suci Allah, Allah Maha Hebat!

Perasaan cinta adalah abstrak. Namun perasaan cinta mampu diwujudkan dengan tindakan yang nampak oleh mata.

Di antara tanda-tanda cinta seseorang kepada Allah SWT adalah memperbanyakkan bermunajat, mendirikan solat sunnah,membaca al-Quran dan berzikir kerena dia ingin selalu bersama dan mencurahkan semua perasaan hanya kepada-Nya. Apabila Sang Khaliq memanggilnya melalui suara azan maka dia bersegera menuju ke tempat solat untuk berjumpa dengan-Nya. Bahkan bila malam tiba, dia ikhlas bangun tidur untuk berduaan (berkhalwat) dengan Tuhan kekasihnya melalui solat tahajjud. Betapa indahnya jalinan cinta itu!

Ini dapat dilihat daripada kata-kata di bawah:
"Seseorang tidak akan memiliki kebaikan, meraih kemenangan, merasakan kenikmatan dan kesenangan hakiki kecuali mengesakan cintanya kepada Allah SWT semata, dan Allah lebih dicintainya daripada yang lainnya" ( Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziah)

p/s:artikel nie,aq amik kat lman web (zulhafidz,2011),duk bce2 trpikat lak dgn artikel nie..sje,,wat pedoman semua..hee~

Thursday, November 18, 2010


This is not the end
This is not the beginning,
Just a voice like a riot
Rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone
And the violet rhythm
Though the words sound steady
Something empty's within 'em

We say Yeah!
With fists flying up in the air
Like we're holding onto something
Thats invisible there,
Cuz we're living at the mercy of
The pain and the fear
Until we dead it, Forget it,
Let it all disappear.

Waiting for the end to come
Wishing I had strength to stand
This is not what I had planned
It's out of my control....

Flying at the speed of light
Thoughts we're spinning in my head
So many things were left unsaid
It's hard to let you go...

I know what it takes to move on,
I know how it feels to lie,
All I wanna do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got

Sitting in an empty room
Trying to forget the past
This was never meant to last,
I wish it wasn't so...

I know what it takes to move on,

I know how it feels to lie,
All I wanna do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got

What was left when that fire was gone?
I thought it felt right but that right was wrong
All caught up in the eye of the storm
And trying to figure out what it's like moving on
And i don't even know what kind of things I've said
My mouth kept moving and my mind went dead
So, picking up the pieces, now where to begin?
The hardest part of ending Is starting again!!

All I wanna do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what i haven't got...

This is not the end
This is not the beginning,
Just a voice like a riot
Rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone
And the violet rhythm
Though the words sound steady
Something empty's within 'em
(Holding on to what i haven't got)

We say Yeah!
With fists flying up in the air
Like we're holding onto something
Thats invisible there,
Coz we're living at the mercy of
The pain and the fear
Until we dead it, Forget it,
Let it all disappear
(Holding on to what i haven't got!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Firstly, hate people who take things upon themselves because when I see people who look or a pretender I'll crap and disgusted. to me that these people really just want to show off think that they were good, but actually not, but again makes the crap.

Secondly, hate smokers, as for me, smoking is a bad thing, it is much more harmful and one, because I do not like the smell, if I smell smoke, I will be dizzy and nauseated. moreover, my family all non-smoking.

Thirdly, hate the smell of rotten as we know, not only that I do not like the smell of rot, of course, those outside are also similar. I do not like the smell of rotten, because they disrupt the environment and makes me less enjoyable.

Fourthly, hate people interfering in my case, because why is it that, plus the things I want to go, but I do not intervene the case of the person, so people who like to mix in my case, you better stay away.

Fifthly, hate fighting and do not like seeing people fight. act of fighting for this, many gave bad. and those who fight can sometimes lead to death, therefore, if I fight, I will make sure it does not take long. If not, I would rather give up than fight for a long time.

Sixthly, hate if my hair long . Because when I has a long hair, I will fiber and uncomfortable. I am a lazy no good and take care of the long hair,. I will feel more comfortable and will feel lighter and easier to think if my hair short.So, if my hair long, I rarely will let the past, I would tie my hair or bun it.

Seventhly, hate people taking advantage of my goodness, if people do that to me, I would hate him and would not help these people again. meaning that if people do good with me, I will be better with him.

Eightly, hate when asked to make something work that is forcibly. I prefer if i do a job with my consent. as for me, when with own consent, we will be honest and happy to do the job without complaining.

Ninthly, hate the atmosphere too much noise and the place is too full of people. because it makes me very fiber. I prefer to be quiet and alone for the time being, I will be able to think calmly and freely do whatever.

And the last one,tenthly. hate to make people wait and to be waiting for people. because if I make someone wait. I would think should not be and do everything possible to move quickly. If I was, waiting for people, and if they are deliberately slow this can makes me angry and willing to leave one.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


First of all, many people do not know really, I talk a lot and likes to joke when I was really comfortable and familiar with the meeting as well. Especially when with my family. I love to make people around me happy and laughing.

Secondly, I do not like to eat a vegetable. Vegetables such as spinach are just that I can eat. I do not like eating vegetables, because if I eat vegetables I will be nausea and throat, in my opinion most of the vegetables all the bitter and unpleasant.

Thirdly, I was a shy and a quiet, when met with people who are less familiar, especially with men. but that does not mean I am arrogant, because I really respect the people who I do not know and another one, I'm not familiar with them.

Fourthly, I also really, one that is not quite like out tremendously. I would rather sit at home for my own work. If I want to go out, I was on my mood if the mood I want to go out. I will be out. mostly, I prefer to go out with the family

Fifthly, I am also someone who likes to please people, although people thought I was too good really because I do not like to trouble people. if they need help I would help them. I also like to keep the faith my friends because I was not comfortable when they are angry at me and I also do not like to fight

Sixthly, I also like to be alone because when I to be alone I will feel more relaxed and free to do whatever I wanted. and I, too, will feel more comfortable. when alone, I will be conscious of myself.

Seventhly, I do not like to take a case out of other people. Sometimes I rarely take out the people. So if, someone took out of me, without my knowledge, I would be angry and hate him. Because to me why people want to know about me, if I did not take cognizance of these people. I would rather be a listener only from talking about other people

Eighthly, I am a person who does not like to show my anger. If I am angry, I will be silent but even if I am angry, I will quickly cool again. Because I do not like to save the anger for a long time and I am also easy to forgive others

Ninthly, sometimes, I prefer to make something for myself without need of others. I prefer to be independent and to understand things by myself because that way I will feel more satisfied and happy with the result of my own.

Last but not least, I am a person who is actually like singing and love musics. Only certain peoples or who is very close to me will notice it,because when I am singing, it can make me get rid of stress and satisfaction.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


She is the first friend that i very close in class since in part 1 until now. She is nice person. Her face look matured. Sometimes she is also a strict person. In class, some of classmate call her headmaster.I glad to be friend with her because she is a helpful friend, she help me a lot.

Siti Noor Aishah(Sha)
She is kindly person and one of my close friend. Sometimes she is weird person. She likes to do things that people rarely make,for example she like furry thing and like to eat burnt cake. Sometimes, she is stubborn. But the thing that i like her is, she is a cat lover.She loves cats very much.

Nurul iza(iza)
She is caring,clever and cute person. She is also friendly and help me a lot. First i met her, when we together watch movie in sha room. She is also,sometimes strict to get the work done, but i like joking with her and glad to be friend with her.

Shabirul ain(shabi)
She is a very cute girl and childish nature but she is intelligent and hardworking person. She will finish up all of work, on time. She is also, quiet person.

She is very diligent,stylish and clever girl. she has very nice body. She likes, to make a joke but also serious in doing the work.She likes to be herself and do not hypocrite.

Nik Syaza Syafinaz(finaz)
Finaz is very soft girl. She has an unique voice and has a characteristic of motherhood. She is very close with Siti, since part 1. They are always do a work together.

Siti Soleha(sokso)
She is a quiet girl sometimes, but she is a very hardworking and clever girl. She live same hostel with me. She is very kind and nice person.

She is an interesting girl. She likes to wear Syria scarf in class. She is also very smart girl. When, i do not understand some topic, i will prefer to asked her. She is also, the important person in herba life.

Diyana Izni
She is close with Zara. She is also interesting girl. Many of us notice, that her face same with one of senior. She is very good in English speaking. Glad to be friend with her.

Ain Diana(Ain)
She is also live same hostel with me and also roommate with iza. So that, they always go class together. She is very clever in make-up. Ain is also hardworking girl and always carry out the tasks composed.

Nurul Fasheha(Ceah)
She has same favorite colour with me which is green. Many of her things are in green color. She is friendly and not arrogant. Very stylish and do not care what people say to her.We all call her 'Ceah'.

She is close with Fasheha. Shiera likes to wear shell. She is slumber and brutal girl. she is cool and glad to be friend with her.

She is close with Ku Nurazila in class. She is very good friend and cool person. I never see her angry. She is also smart girl and like to share her idea with her friends.

Ku Nurazila(Kuchek)
She has a pretty and sweet face. In class, we all call her Ku, but she has an interesting name which is 'Kuchek. Sometimes, she is corny but it doesn't matter to her, she is cool. She is good speaking and educator.

She is little cute girl. She is rarely talking in class but she is hardworking and responsible girl in completing the tasks. Although, she has a little body, but she is mature-minded.

She is softly person. She likes to smile to everyone and also rarely see she angry. She is also smart in study and diligent person. Always completing the work on time.

Fatin Afiqah(Afie)
She is quiet person. Rarely hear she talk in class but she is hardworking girl. She is very close with mira, wawa and ika. They always do work together.

She is diligent and smart girl. She is also completing her tasks on time. Sometimes she is also strict and emotional when she had a problem. But she is good friend.

She is friendly girl and always make a joke in class. She is very cheerful and also slumber girl. she always make friends happy and laugh.

She is our class cap in this semester. In class, we call she 'Ponti'. She is very responsible person and smart in doing the tasks that have given to her. She is kind and cheerful person.

She is very good and intelligent person. She is good in speaking. Because of that, she is take part in debate club. She likes to share her knowledge with her friends.

She is very cheerful and intelligent person. Always get best result in exam. She is cool and slumber person. She is also friendly and always commented to her friends.

He is very funny person in class. He never serious in class.He always like to laugh and make a joke in class. Although, he like that, he is intelligent and will complete the tasks that have given.

He is a creative man. Sometimes, he is also like to make a joke and have very unique voice because when he is talking it is clear. He is also clever and responsible person.

He is funny and hardworking person. Always completing the tasks.He do not like to talk too much. He prefers to remain silent.

He has a little cute body. He is nice and kindly person. He likes to make a joke with his friends. In class, we call he 'perot'.

He is sometimes very funny person. He is also like to make a joke and sometimes do not serious when talking. But he is good in completing his work.

He has a big body. In class, we all call his as 'Bub'. Sometimes he is serious and strict when he is talking. But he likes to make joke in class.

He has a very nice and handsome face. Many girls who see it will be tempted. Sometimes he do not take serious in doing a work he is smart in study. He is also soft spoken in class.